BiCamp 2025 Code of Conduct
We are really excited about BiCamp 2025, and hope you are too.
We are working to make sure BiCamp will be fun, exciting, and as safe as possible for everyone attending. You can help make this a reality by reading and abiding by our code of conduct.
By purchasing a ticket for this event, you agree to read and follow this code of conduct.
People come to BiCamp with different experiences and ideas of how to behave and how they expect others to behave. This Code of Conduct outlines what everyone, including the organising team, session facilitators and volunteers, can expect from others and what is expected from all of us during camp.
People are responsible for themselves, their actions, and their own health.
If at any point anyone is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, tell a volunteer or member of the team as soon as you can. If you see or hear anyone going against the Code of Conduct please tell a volunteer or a member of the team. It is all our responsibility to make sure BiCamp is safe.
No one at BiCamp should be put under any pressure to join in with things they do not want to.
Consent is key – and respecting people’s choices at all times is important.
The BiCamp team will not tolerate harassment of any kind, or behaviour that jeopardises its aim to be a safe space.
It is fine to ask someone once if they would like to do something. For example, “Would you like a hug?” If they refuse, continuing to ask is pestering them and will be viewed as harassment. If someone asks you to leave them alone, do so. You can ask the organising team to tell someone to leave you alone. “No”, “stop”, “don’t do that” or similar words and phrases will be taken at face value by the BiCamp organisers and volunteers, regardless of context. Consent also includes any audience. Remember that may include not just attendees, but Kinver Camp staff and the general public.
We use Jenn Wilson's Consent Compass model to inform how we should approach all our interactions with others
We should all be working to embrace consent culture as fully as possible, to respect others, create safe environments for ourselves, and to learn from the times when we mess up. This involves clear communication, actively considering the context we are in, being curious about what we and others are feeling, and understanding that things change and we must be responsive to changes
BiCamp should be a place where people feel free to express their sexuality, but please keep in mind this is a family-friendly event. We ask that all public behaviour is kept within what is normally acceptable. Please be very mindful of who is around and remember that tents are not soundproof! Consent is key, and this includes consenting to what you witness – for example, sexual behaviour and nudity. BiCamp attendees should remain fully clothed in all public areas, there are specific areas which are nudist-friendly – which will be clearly marked.
BiCamp is supportive of breastfeeding/chestfeeding anywhere on site, it is illegal to discriminate against breastfeeding/chestfeeding parents. Please do not make negative comments if you see someone feeding their child.
BiCamp should be a safe space for all attendees. We have all types of people attending – a variety of different ethnicities and nationalities, genders, disabilities and neurodiversity, religions and beliefs and ages. Bigoted behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. We respect everyone for their differences, it is what makes us a beautiful community. Stereotyping people on the basis of their physical features, race, accent, clothing or religious beliefs is never acceptable; Negative comments about any aspect of a person’s culture, race, class or fetishisation of cultural markers and physical features should be avoided. Some examples could be, “that’s such an exotic name” or “your hair is amazing, can I touch it?”
People who attend BiCamp may define their gender in a range of different ways which we understand aren’t always easy to spot. If you are unsure of the pronoun someone uses we encourage you to ask them or avoid gendered language by using “they” instead of “he” or “she”. If you ask someone or are corrected about pronouns, please try to use them correctly, to the best of your ability. We accept people’s self-identified gender for all purposes. Toilet and Shower facilities are all gender-neutral.
Please respect people’s privacy, and be aware that not everyone at BiCamp may be ‘out’ about their sexuality or other aspects of their lifestyle. Ask permission before identifying anyone publicly. ‘Public’ includes write-ups on personal websites or on social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram.
Do not take any photographs or recordings of people without their express permission. It is your responsibility to make sure everyone in the shot is happy to be photographed. If you are asked to stop, please respect this.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct or reasonable requests will, in most cases, be met with a warning from a member of the organising team. The organisers’ decision is final. If warnings are ignored, or in the event of serious misconduct, we reserve the right to ask anyone to leave all or part of BiCamp. If you are asked to leave you will not receive any refund.
BiCamp is a bring-your-own-alcohol event. If you drink alcohol, you are responsible for knowing your own limits.
We do not condone drinking to excess. Drinking to excess means you become a liability to the people around you, it is selfish and dangerous to drink to excess at Camp for these reasons.
You may be asked to leave if the organisers find you to be drunk and disorderly. If you notice somebody who is a little too inebriated, please do let one of us know so we can help them.
If we suspect that there is any underage drinking we will have to ask attendees to leave.
Smoking and vaping is only permitted in outside areas, and you should ensure that everyone around you consents to being exposed to second-hand smoke or vape if you intend to do so. There will be certain outside areas that are designated no smoking or vaping areas.
People attending BiCamp should wear their event badges to all aspects of the camp.
Please fill in your own badge with the name you want to be referred to. If this is different from your legal name, that will remain confidential. Please also include your pronouns on your badge.
Please tidy up after yourselves - use the provided bins for litter, wipe any spills you make, and pick up your hair from the shower plug! We are all volunteers and someone will have to tidy it up if you do not - so please be courteous of this.
Do not pick any flowers or disturb any wildlife you come across on the site. Only take the chopped wood from the designated sites for fires.
For more practical information about the site and site rules see this document >